Covid Safe Studio

What you need to do

  • When you fill out waiver form and submit it online, or in person, we will have your details on record. If your details change (home address, phone number, emergency contact etc.) please email and tell us you need to update your information, we will send you a new form. We will use this information to inform you of COVID cases if it is relevant to you.

  • Please stay at home if you are unwell.

  • Members who are vulnerable please discuss with your doctor if it is safe for you to attend classes. The onus is on the individual to determine their capacity to safely attend fitness activities and attendance at fitness facilities.

  • Booking online is essential as spaces are strictly limited for social distancing. Please ensure you cancel with plenty of notice so that members on the waiting list attend instead.

  • Please bring your own props (blocks) if you need them. For restorative yoga, if you don’t have blocks and a bolster you can bring two large towels and a cushion.

  • If you borrow one our Levanta Yoga Studio mats, please clean it thoroughly after class using sanitiser provided and wipe down with a clean cloth or paper towel provided.

  • Cloths or paper towels to be placed into the contactless bin.

When you arrive at the studio space

  • Please ensure you use the hand sanitiser placed at the entrance door before you enter the studio.

  • Please keep to the designated areas when placing your mat down.

  • Clients are to use the studio and toilet area only. Wash hands thoroughly if you need to use the bathroom.

  • If any student displays symptoms of being unwell (for example persistent unexplained coughing) will be asked to go home to rest to ensure the safety of other members.

  • A hand sanitiser station is situated near the door.

When you are leaving

  • When leaving please be patient to allow others space as leaving through the door one at a time to respect social distancing.

  • Please remember to notify us promptly in the unlikely event you are diagnosed with covid-19.


Got a question? Get in touch