rebalance and reset yourself.

Elemental Yoga Retreat.

Multi-layered five elements system of self-care, to reset and rebalance.

Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Ether.

Wind down and recharge with our highly esteemed one day Elemental Yoga Retreat to enliven the senses, connect with nature, others and self on a deeper level.

meditative . nourishing . stabilising . supportive


Our unique one day retreats are an explorative journey of learning about and experiencing first hand the energy of the seasons, five elements, seasonal food, and organ health.

We aim to bring you into a deeper connection with the five elements inside of you, the world, nature and the universe.

Our retreats are designed to reset and recharge you on all levels: physically; mentally; emotionally; and spiritually through modern Qigong yoga practices and a series of elemental meditations, rituals and exercises bringing energetic balance to your whole body.

Going more deeply into qigong practices, we look closely at food as a way to enliven and cleanse the organs seasonally, enjoying a luscious lunch using in-season and locally grown foods. All to enhance wholly and fully our health and wellbeing.

Through our elements yoga and meditation practices, by learning how to use energetic practices, meditation and powerful ways to bring you into the present moment, essentially you are learning to heal yourself, so you can feel more uplifted, expanded, centred and grounded in amongst the chaos. Ultimately bringing you peace and harmony within your whole being, and in the fullness of time allow all this to transfer into to the lives of your loved ones, and those around you.

These practices bring new insights into who you are at the very core of your being, where you are able to bring a fresh perspective to what your purpose is in the world, gain so much more inspiration from nature and everyone around you.

It is a pleasure to offer you this deeply enchanting retreat, where we take you on a meditative journey, so you can leave feeling completely relaxed, rejuvenated, peaceful and ready to take on the challenges that life brings.


Our Retreat Flow

Spending time outside to receive an intuitive body and/or face painting, and feather as a welcome gift.

Smoking ritual to connect us to community and place, and release unwanted energy that we may have picked up along the way.

Welcoming you into the space, and grounding ritual to refocus on the present moment to bring you into a peaceful state of wellbeing to begin our retreat day.

Cacao ceremony to release blocks, recognise patterns and to follow your heart.

Modern Qigong Yoga practice to energise and release tension from the body, and cleanse the liver.

Seasonally grown luscious light lunch.

Enriching series of guided meditations, rituals and exercises that will allow you to connect with the five elements, five senses, and nature on a deeper level.

Series of simple practices on how to be more present in your life, that you can use on a daily basis to bring you in the present each moment, allowing you to be in your body and feel your emotions rather than suppressing them, then releasing them in a healthy way.

Sound healing with movement and dance to bring you into a deeper state of freedom to express yourself.

Deeply relaxing and magical sound bath to close, using crystal bowls, chimes, bells, shamanic drum and clap sticks.

Final departing ritual to safely send you on your way feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, grounded, uplifted and ready to live life to the fullest each moment.

All the props you need are supplied: blankets; bolsters; mats; blocks, and pillows, to set yourself for your yoga and meditation journey. Herbal tea and snacks will be available to drink throughout the retreat.

Rebalance and reset. Reserve your place.

Check out our busy and single mums retreat

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